Retrying problem on uc fix.

How to fix retrying problem on uc browser

1) Firstly you need to download es file explorer from playstore.2) Now open it and enable show hidden files.(swipe from left side to right side to find show hidden files option).3) Now go to uc folder. 4) Now copy the file ur are downloading from uc. (U need to copy two files. One file is that u r downloading and other is automatically created)5)Copy that two files into another folder. And delete from Uc folder.6)Now delete the file from Download menu. And Download same file from same website.7) When the file downloaded 1 mb you need to pasuse the file and go to the es file explorer and delete the file form uc folder of 1 mb(file created again in uc folder)8(Now cut the previous file that u download firstly and Cut that file again in uc folder and go to uc browser.9) Now resume the file.....
If you do this u got solu

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