How to save battery of your phone.
Todays in our smartphones very smart features are present.Battery is aslo good. But due to more powerfull hardware battery is not functioning propely. If your phone's battery reachs 15% you start finding a charger or a power bank. I will give you some tips, if you follow these tips you improve your phone's battery life.
First tip
Every body use calling network which is necessary but sometimes you ON some extra networks which is not necessary like wifi, Bluetooth,Gps etc. You send some files through Bluetooth and after doing this process, you forget to OFF the Bluetooth. This thing reduce your phone's battery life. OFF that types of networks.
Second tip
If you go on your playstore, you see that auto update option is enable. Due to this "app will automatically updated". Whenever you are not using your phone and auto update is enable, apps will automatically updated and reduce you phone's battery. So disable this option.
Third tip
If you touch your phone's screen you hear sone sounds or feel vibration. OFF these types of things because these things are not usefull. Lock/unlock sounds ir dialling sounds etc, OFF these things. If you do this you saves your phone's battey life.
Forth tip
Brightness of your phone need low. Don't use auto brightness mode. In auto brightness mode if you low your phone's brightness, brightness is not happen properly. You always put the brightness in manual mode.
Fifth tip
Screen on duration times needed lees than a minute. If your screen on duration is more than 1 minute, so if you got a notification, you see the notification and put your phone in your pocket and your phone's screen is on. So this reduce your phones battery.
Friends this is the tips, which improve your phone's battery.
Reviewed by
Aditya Singh
October 30, 2017
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