
Hey guys first we take an example of whatsapp you know that this application is free to use and you never see any add on whatsapp. Whatsapp have amazing features and you are also using these features free of cost. You know that Facebook buy whatsapp in $19 billions dollars. Why Facebook buy WhatsApp. Now we take Facebook. In Facebook you got daily new, friends status, send messages and facebook is also free. Now the question rising that from where Facebook and WhatsApp makes money.Today I will tell you, some people know about this but those people who don't know, i will tell those people that Facebook makes money from target advertisements.Facebook know about you more that you know. I mean if you forget your some important details or your images are missing, you can took back these images from Facebook. Facebook keeps your all records. If you join the facebook, your all records taken by Facebook. Facebook knows all about you for example where you living, where are you going, what yo do, what are you liking, what are you commenting, what is your age, your gender etc. Target advertisements example if you check some products  on amazon for buying. After 9 or 10 minutes, you got ad on your timeline which you search on amazon. This is know as target advertising. Facebook show that types of ads to you, which required you. Facebook makes money in 1 year from 1 person are almost $16 dollars. You think yourself if they make $16 dollar from one person, so Facebook how much make from billions or trillions users. Facebook have trillions of users.In this way facebook makes money. 

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